Deltek Costpoint, A leading ERP system designed specifically for government contractors. Integrates project data, simplifies financing, and assures government compliance. It has been trusted by industry experts for 40 years and provides innovation and automation to ensure effective project management.
The monthly fee for each user starts around $150.
Allowing users to customize it to their specific needs and preferences.
It provides a centralized location for storing all relevant information, eliminating the need to open multiple tabs or applications.
Improved connectivity with a wide range of software and platforms increases workflow productivity and allows for smooth data management.
Higher price points, especially for smaller companies or additional modules.
Difficult to navigate, which can result in inefficiencies and irritation during use.
Some people struggle to manage the reporting tool, maybe owing to its complexity or its hardly obvious design.
Occasionally slow, particularly with large data or complex reports.
Deltek Costpoint Overview
Deltek Costpoint Features
Deltek Costpoint Rweviews
Deltek Costpoint Software
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