What is PimEyes?

PimEyes is a facial recognition tool that lets you search the internet for images containing a specific face. You upload a photo, and PimEyes searches publicly available websites for matches. It can find pictures of you from news articles, blogs, and company websites but not social media or video platforms.

PimEyes is marketed for self monitoring and protecting your online image. You can use it to see where your photos appear online and potentially request removal if they've been posted without your permission.

How Does it Work?

You upload an image and the search engine scans its database for matching faces. These free versions typically offer a limited number of searches and results, but they can provide a starting point for further exploration.

What Can You Use It For?

  • Track Your Online Presence: Discover where your images appear publicly. This can be helpful for managing your online reputation.
  • Identity Theft Protection: Check if someone is using your image for unauthorized purposes, like fake profiles.
  • Potential Revenge Porn Defense: If you suspect someone might have shared intimate photos without your consent, a facial recognition search can help locate them.

The Alternatives to PimEyes (Free Reverse Image Search Engines)

  • TinEye: A well-established reverse image search engine, TinEye specializes in finding exact matches for uploaded images. It boasts a massive database and allows searches by URL, upload, or copy-paste.
  • Google Lens: Integrated into Google Search and available as an app, Google Lens lets you search by image and can identify objects, places, and even text within the image. While not strictly facial recognition, it can be helpful in finding similar imagery.

Social Media and Public Record Search:

  • Social Catfish: This platform focuses on finding people online by combining public record searches with facial recognition. It can be a good option for reconnecting with old friends or verifying online profiles.

Privacy-Focused Search Engines:

  • Yandex.Images: The Russian search engine, Yandex, offers a robust image search function with some facial recognition capabilities. It prioritizes user privacy and doesn't collect as much personal data as some other search engines.

Potential Uses

PimEyes offers a variety of potential uses, including:

  • Privacy Management: Individuals can use to track where their images appear online and potentially request removal in cases of unauthorized use.
  • Investigative Purposes: Law enforcement agencies (with limitations) and journalists can leverage PimEyes to identify individuals in photos or videos.
  • Copyright Protection: Content creators can utilize PimEyes to find instances of potential copyright infringement of their images.

Find the Right Plan for You

PimEyes has priced plans. Pay per search or subscribe monthly. Basic plans allow searches and source checks. Higher tiers add alerts, takedown notices, and unlimited searches. Check their website for current pricing.

Tips & Tricks

  • Start with High-Quality Photos: For best results, upload clear, well-lit images with a straight-on view of the face.
  • Consider Alternatives: Explore free reverse image search tools like Google Images or TinEye before committing to PimEyes.
  • Use PimEyes Responsibly: Respect the privacy of others and avoid using PimEyes for stalking or harassment.
  • Control Your Online Presence: Be mindful of what images you share online to minimize the risk of unauthorized use.


PimEyes Facial recognition searches offer a way to gain some insight into your online image presence. While limitations exist, these tools can be a helpful starting point for managing your online reputation and privacy. Remember, paid plans are available for more in depth searches and features.


Q1. What kind of photos can I search with?

The search works best with clear, well-lit photos where your face is the main focus. Avoid blurry images, photos with sunglasses, or ones where your face is partially obscured.

Q2. How accurate are the results?

Facial recognition technology is constantly improving, but it's not perfect. Results may include some false positives (incorrect matches) or miss some true positives (matching photos).

Q3. Are there any alternatives to free facial recognition search?

You can try a reverse image search engine like Google Images. While not as focused on faces, it can sometimes help identify the source of an image.

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John Helling

Sep 3, 2024

When I first heard about PimEyes, I wondered, "What is PimEyes, and how can it help me?" After trying it, I found it to be an incredibly useful tool for privacy management. PimEyes allowed me to search for my images across the internet and find where they were being used without my permission. I was even able to request the removal of some unauthorized images, which gave me peace of mind. If you’re worried about where your photos might end up online, PimEyes is a powerful tool to help you take control of your digital presence.


Mia Patel

Aug 16, 2024

I kept seeing people talk about PimEyes and wondered, what is PimEyes exactly? I gave it a try, and it’s really easy to use. You upload a photo, and it finds where your face appears online. It’s pretty handy if you want to keep tabs on your pictures.


Victoria Reed

Aug 5, 2024

I heard about PimEyes and was wondering, what is PimEyes? So, I decided to try it out. PimEyes has been very helpful. It helped me find and manage where my photos appear online, giving me more control over my digital footprint.


Victoria Reed

Aug 5, 2024

I heard about PimEyes and was wondering, what is PimEyes? So, I decided to try it out. PimEyes has been very helpful. It helped me find and manage where my photos appear online, giving me more control over my digital footprint.


Victoria Reed

Aug 5, 2024

I heard about PimEyes and was wondering, what is PimEyes? So, I decided to try it out. PimEyes has been very helpful. It helped me find and manage where my photos appear online, giving me more control over my digital footprint.

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